As I consider the Oregon State Legislature engaged in a criminal conspiracy against my civil rights under color of law under the US Code Chapter 18 -241& 242 I do not think I can have a confidential or personal message from a suspect in that felony.
This is particularly so when you openly state this is passed among your staff and therefore likely to be stored as a public record.
Therefore, anything you may say will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to remain silent just as I have a right to remain innocent. Just as I have a right to remain armed you have right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, it will be provided to you by law to protect you, just as an indigent person must be trained and armed to meet the State needs to insure protection from the State as well as other self-confessed robbers, rapists, and murderers.
The following is a copy of your email:
I think you are looking for an "expert," which I am not. I am not even an attorney. "Mark W. Smith, a member of the United States Supreme Court Bar, a professor, a frequent Fox News guest, and a New York Times bestselling author," is likely the best source.
At best you can only slow down this train wreck. Your legislative companions are either willingly ignorant and/or they want to tie this up for a decade in the courts at a great expense to Oregon; as they have in California.
I am only an amateur researcher and meme producer who was once educated in Community Services and Public Affairs at the U of O.
My only novel input, due to my once intending to be in civil rights investigaton has been this:
Every ruler claims to believe in democracy until it means being equal in powers, privileges, and protections for those who rule instead of requiring the consent of the governed making us all equal.
I foresee myself being overtaken by Alzheimer's before this hits the SCOTUS. I watched a Cuban refugee testify, about a decade ago in an Oregon legislative committee, who hoped to stop this. He was not as articulate as needed, but I read his emotions and did some research.
So, if you have some task involving research or making memes on self-defense, public safety, and national security, I am not sure how I can help. I note that revolutions tend to swap tyrants, not create democracy. If we do not stop this misgoverment now, it will lead to war later. It is likely to be a decade after I am dead. Maybe I have just studied too much history, as well as living through it and seeing what happened to Detroit. I did not live there, but a close friend of mine did.
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